Last month at CES, Nvidia unveiled its next-generation mobile processor, the Tegra 4, touting six times the the graphics performance of the Tegra 3. While the company hopes to set the new standard for mobile processing, it also plans to capitalize on the market of more cost-efficient devices with today's introduction of the Tegra 4i.
With the Tegra 4i, Nvidia is targeting the growing array of 1080p smartphones and offering direct competition to Qualcomm's Snapdragon S800 processor. The Tegra 4i sports the same compact 28nm process of the Tegra 4 and Nvidia's signature quad-core "4+1 battery saving core" design. It will also be LTE-capable — a limiting factor of the Tegra 3. It boasts a 2.3GHz ARM-A9 (R4) CPU with 60 custom GPU cores; roughly 12 less than the Tegra 4 but five times as many as the Tegra 3. In addition to superior performance, Nvidia is touting the Tegra 4i's design efficiency, which they claim is half the size of the Snapdragon S800.
To demonstrate the performance and efficiency of the Tegra 4i, Nvidia is introducing Phoenix, it's new reference design smartphone which features a 5-inch 1080p display and a 8mm thin design — roughly the same as Apple's iPhone 5. While Nvidia has yet to jump into the business of creating its own smartphones, Phoenix is intended to serve as a starting point for other brands to build upon.
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