الجمعة، 22 فبراير 2013

تأكيد إصدار لعبة Destiny على PS4 مع محتوى حصري

أعلنت Bungie خلال حدث PlayStation Meeting 2013 اليوم عن إطلاق لعبة Destiny على PS4إلى جانب منصتي PS3 و Xbox 360.
وقال Jason Jones مؤسس Bungie : " كانت Destiny يتم تطوريها لمنصتي PS3 و PS4، وسيتم إطلاق النسختان في وقت واحد ".
" كما ستحظى نسخة PS4 من اللعبة بمحتوى حصري ".

تقنية محرك Unreal Engine 4 قادمة على PlayStation 4

أعلنت Epic Games بأنها سوف تجلب تقنية محركها الجديد Unreal Engine 4 إلى PlayStation 4.
تقنية محرك Unreal Engine 4 قادمة على PlayStation 4
وقال Tim Sweeney مؤسس Epic Games : " نحن متحمسون لبناء مستقلبنا الناجح معPlayStation، ولقد تم تصميم Unreal Engine 4 للجيل المقبل من عملية تطوير الألعاب والقوى المذهلة لـPlayStation4 ".
" وتجربة اليوم تعرض لمحة عما يمكن للمطورين أن يحققوه باستخدام معداتنا لابتكار ألعاب علىPlayStation 4 ".

إصدار العرض الرسمي الثالث للعبة Monster Hunter 4

قامت Capcom اليوم بإصدار العرض الرسمي الثالث للعبة Monster Hunter 4 التي سوف تأتي هذا الصيف باليابان على 3DS، ويعرض المقطع أسلوب اللعب المثير والوحوش المختلفة في اللعب القادمة.

عرض شخصيات جماعة Wei في Dynasty Warriors 8

قامت Tecmo Koei بإصدار عرض جديد للعبة Dynasty Warriors 8، ويعرض المقطع شخصيات جماعة Wei في اللعبة القادمة.
سوف يتم إصدار Dynasty Warriors 8 في 28 فبراير الجاري باليابان على PS3، ولم يتم الإعلان عن موعد إصدارها في الغرب بعد.

إصدار العرض الرسمي الثاني للعبة Disgaea D2

قامت Nippon Ichi Software بإصدار العرض الرسمي الثاني للعبة Disgaea D2 التي سوف تأتي في 20 مارس 2013 باليابان على PS3، ويعرض المقطع العديد من اللقطات السينمائية والشخصيات وغيرها.

إصدار عرض جديد مثير للعبة Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

قامت Capcom بإصدار عرض جديد لمحتوى Dark Arisen القادم للعبة Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen في 26 إبريل المقبل على PS3 و Xbox 360، ويعرض المقطع مواجهات عنيفة مع الوحوش القوية في المحتوى القادم.

Weekly Fix 18 - إعلان عن منصة Playstation 4 ومسابقة Aliens: Colonial Marines لكم

في هذه الحلقة من Weekly Fix، نتكلم عن إعلان سوني عن منصة Playstation 4، بالإضافة إلى أخبار عن Assassin's Creed و Destiny وغيرها من الألعاب.

إشاعة: تسريب الصورة الاولى لمنصة PlayStation 4

بعدما تم الإعلان رسميا عن منصة PS4 بالأمس في نيويورك، لم تستعرض شركة "سوني" المنصة بتاتا وأكتفت باستعراض طرفية PlayStation Eye ويد التحكم الجديدة التي تتضمن شاشة تعمل باللمس، مؤكدة أن المنصة سيتم تناولها في المستقبل ولكن المهم الاّن هو يد التحكم التي تعتبر التقنية الأساسية في الجهاز.
منذ ساعات قليلة، انتشرت صورة جديدة على شبيكة الأنترنت يقال أنها لمنصة PS4 دون وجود أي تأكيد أو دليل على صحة الصورة، ولكننا احضرناها لكم لتبقوا على اطلاع بأخر المستجدات.

إشاعة: تسريب الصورة الاولى لمنصة PlayStation 4

إعلان بطولة Game Evolution الكبرى بدبي

إعلان بطولة Game Evolution الكبرى بدبي
أعلنت شركة إندكس للمؤتمرات والمعارض عن بطولة ضخمة للألعاب الالكترونية تبلغ قيمة جوائزها 150 ألف دولار أمريكي في حدث Game Evolution، وستقام البطولة في مركز تجارة دبي العالمي من الفترة ما بين 15 و 16 نوفمبر المقبل.
وإلى جانب البطولة فإن حدث Game Evolution سيحتضن معرضاً لعرض أحدث الابتكارات والتقنيات للشركات الكبرى في صناعة الألعاب.
الجدول :
فتح الأبواب : في 15 نوفمبر 2013 – الساعة الثامنة صباحاً
الحفل الافتتاحي : في 15 نوفمبر 2013 – الساعة التاسعة والنصف صباحاً
انطلاق بطولة Game Evolution : في 15 نوفمبر 2013 – الساعة العاشرة صباحاً
انتهاء بطولة Game Evolution : في 16 نوفمبر 2013 – الساعة التاسعة مساءاً
ليلة اللاعبين : في 16 نوفمبر 2013 – الساعة العاشرة مساءاً

ألعاب البطولة :
League of Legends " جائزة البطولة 60,000$ "
Counter Strike: Global Offensive " جائزة البطولة 40,000$ "
DoTA 2 " جائزة البطولة 40,000$ "
FIFA 13 " جائزة البطولة 5,000$ "
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition " جائزة البطولة 5,000$ "

ولمعرفة التفاصيل يرجى زيارة الموقع الرسمي للحدث، ولم يتم افتتاح التسجيل بعد.

Ubisoft تقيم مؤتمراً إعلامياً خاص بـAssassin’s Creed في 27 فبراير الجاري

أفادت MCV اليوم بأن Ubisoft ستقيم مؤتمراً إعلامياً خاص بـAssassin’s Creed في 27 فبراير الجاري.
Ubisoft تقيم مؤتمراً إعلامياً خاص بـAssassin’s Creed في 27 فبراير الجاري
ولقد أكدت الشركة في وقت سابق من الشهر الجاري بأن هنالك عنوان جديد لسلسلةAssassin’s Creed يعرض بطلاً جديداً في حقبة جديدة سوف يتم إصداره في العام المقبل.

تفاصيل جديدة عن وحدة تحكم PS4

قام مصدر مجهول لدى موقع VG247 بكشف النقاب عن تفاصيل جديدة خاصة بوحدة تحكم جهاز PS4 المتوقع تغيير مظهرها لأول مرة بعد 16 عام، والتي على ما يبدو ستتضمن شاشة تعمل باللمس توفر للاعبين مزيداً من الخيارات اثناء تجربة العناوين المختلفة.
المصدر التابع للموقع أكد أن شائعة امتلاك وحدة التحكم لشاشة صغيرة تعمل باللمس حقيقية تماماً، وستتوافر هذه الشاشة في مقدمة ذراع التحكم وهو ما يعني نقل قائمة Start/Select لمكان أخر أو الاستغناء عنهم نهائيا.
وحدة التحكم الجديدة تمتلك شكل مختلف عن تصميم نظيرتها الخاصة بمنصة PS3 ولكنها تتشابه معها بدرجة كبيرة في المظهر العام، كذلك قامت "سوني" بتعديل شكل أزرار R2 وL2 لتصبح أكثر راحة وأكثر إفادة للمستخدمين من ذي قبل.

تفاصيل جديدة عن وحدة تحكم PS4
واشار المصدر في النهاية الى أن تقرير مجلة Edge بخصوص الشاشة التي تعمل باللمس صحيح، ولكن الأخبار المتعلقة بوجود زر جديد يسمى Share هي أخبار مزيفة لا دليل على صحتها، وبنسبة كبيرة لن تتضمن وحدة التحكم هذا الخيار.
حتى الاّن لا يوجد شيء مؤكد، ولكن طبقاً للشائعات المنتشرة منذ فترة، من المتوقع أن يتم إطلاق جهاز PS4 في اليابان والولايات المتحدة في نهاية العام الجاري، بينما يخرج لأوروبا في بداية عام 2014 بسعر 400 دولار، كما يأتي الجهاز مع طرفية PS Eye التي تتضمن كاميرتين بدقة 720 بيكسل.

New Final Fantasy for PS4 in the works

A new Final Fantasy game is in development for the PlayStation 4. Final Fantasy brand director Shinji Hashimoto revealed the news during Sony's PlayStation 4 announcement event this evening in New York City.
Hashimoto did not share any information about this game, but told fans to "please be excited for E3 this year."
Square Enix also showed off the Agni's Philosophy technology demo from last year during its segment tonight.
Hashimoto said this video--running on the company's Luminous Studio engine--resembles what the developer is hoping to create with next-generation games.

The 143 studios developing for PlayStation 4

Alongside last night's official PlayStation 4 unveiling and smattering of new game announcements, Sony formally revealed a list of the 143 developers with their hands on Sony's next-generation hardware.
Studios with access to the kit include EA, Activision, and gargantuan Minecraft developer Mojang, alongside smaller developers like Curve Studios, Hello Games, and Croteam.
PlayStation 4, which Sony finally confirmed last night would feature a PC-like architecture and an x86 processor, will launch later in 2013. An exact date and price were not announced.
Here's the full list of PlayStation 4 developers as of February 21, 2013:
4A Games
505 Games
5th Cell Media
Activision Publishing
Arc System Works
Armature Studios
ASCII Media Works
Behaviour Interactive
Bethesda Softworks
Big Ant
Big Bit
Blind Squirrel Games
Bloober Team
Boss Alien
Certain Affinity
Chara-Ani Corporation
City Interactive
Crafts & Meister
Criterion Games
Curve Studios
Dakko Dakko
Darkside Game Studios
Deck 13
Devolver Digital
Dimps Corporation
Double Eleven
Double Fine Productions
Double Helix Games
DrinkBox Studios
Edge of Reality
Eko Software
Electronic Arts
FarSight Studios
Flying Wildhog
Four Door Lemon
From Software
Gaijin Games
Gearbox Software
Ghost Games
Grasshopper Manufacture
Green Hill Studios
GungHo Online Entertainment
HB Studios Multimedia
Heavy Iron Studios
High Voltage Software
inXile Entertainment
Iron Galaxy Studios
JETPACK Interactive Entertainment
Kadokawa Games
Kalyspo Media
Klei Entertainment
Konami Digital Entertainment 
Lab Zero
Laughing Jackal
Metanet Software
Minority Media
Nihon Falcom Corporation
Nippon Ichi Software
Onmi Systems
Panic Button
Platinum Games
Prodigy Design
Psyonix Studios
Ratloop Asia Pte
Red Hare Studios
Slant Six Games
Sony Online Entertainment
Spark Unlimited
Spry Fox
Square Enix
Straight Right
SuperVillain Studios
Take-Two Interactive Software
Tecmo Koei Games
Torus Games
Tribute Games
Turtle Rock Studios
Ubisoft Entertainment
vBlank Entertainment
Vector Cell
Virtual Toys
Warner Bros. 
WayForward Technologies
XPEC Entertainment
Zombie Studio

Microsoft's Major Nelson takes a pop at Sony's PS4 unveiling

Microsoft's Major Nelson--aka Larry Hryb--has criticised one aspect of Sony's PlayStation 4 unveiling last night: that Sony didn't actually show the console.
"Announce a console without actually showing a console? That's one approach," said Hryb on Twitter. Last night, at its official PlayStation 4 unveiling, Sony showed off the PS4's UI and controller, but there was no sight of what the machine itself would look like when it's released later this year.
"Love to know what you thought of the presentation after you have a moment to think it over. I'll share my thoughts on the show this weekend," added Hryb.
Hryb posted an E3 countdown on his blog earlier in the year. Microsoft is expected to formally announce its next Xbox in the coming months--presumably Microsoft will make sure to actually show off the machine when it does.
Sony will release the PlayStation 4 later in 2013, though a price and date for the console were not formally set.
During its PlayStation 4 unveiling, Sony confirmed that the next-gen console would feature a PC-like architecture and x86 processor. The publisher also announced new entries in the Killzone and Infamous franchises, before unveiling new IP in the form of Drive Club and Knack. Media Molecule showed off a new sculpting prototype, Capcom unveiled its new title Deep Down (working title), and Square Enix promised to unveil a new Final Fantasy game at E3.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt confirmed for PlayStation 4

CD Projekt Red has confirmed that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be coming to the PlayStation 4.
It will be the first time the series has been seen on a Sony platform. The Witcher 3 will be launched simultaneously on all "high-end" platforms when the game comes out in 2014, confirmed the Polish developer.
"We were thrilled when asked, several months ago, to be one of the developers who were granted early access to the PlayStation 4," said CD Projekt Red boss Adam Badowski.
"It was an exciting moment to be invited to be in the company of other legendary developers like Bethesda, EA, LucasArts, Ubisoft, or Activision as one of the teams working on titles shipping early in the PlayStation 4's life cycle. Of course, we couldn't reveal any specifics about this to our fans, even though many journalists and forum members asked about when and how The Witcher might show up on Sony's console."
"After yesterday's PlayStation Meeting, we can finally promise: The Witcher 3 is coming to the PlayStation 4," added Badowski.
"The new hardware gives us the opportunity to create something great. We are able to work with the new console from its birth and this allows our in-house REDengine 3 to push the graphical limits of what the PlayStation hardware can display. The console is fresh and has some innovative solutions that we're looking forward to using in our game," said Badowski.
The Witcher 3 was announced at the start of February, with many speculating then that the game would quickly be confirmed for the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's next Xbox.

PlayStation 4 will play used games

Sony's freshly announced PlayStation 4 will allow users to play used games, Sony has announced.
It was previously rumoured that the machine might be looking to block preowned software from running, though Sony has now shot down this idea on the evening it formally unveiled its next-gen hardware to the world.
Speaking in an interview with Eurogamer, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida allayed previous fears: "Used games can play on PS4," he said.
Speaking about consumers' expectations when they purchase a physical disc, Yoshida said that people "purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation."
Another source speaking to Eurogamer suggested that a Sony patent uncovered in January, which would register software to one machine, and one machine only, never had anything to do with PlayStation 4 in the first place.
During its unveiling, Sony confirmed the PlayStation 4 would feature a PC-like architecture and x86 processor. The publisher also announced new entries in the Killzone and Infamous franchises, before unveiling new IPin the form of Drive Club and Knack. Media Molecule showed off a new sculpting prototype, Capcom unveiled its new title Deep Down (working title), and Square Enix promised to unveil a new Final Fantasy game at E3.

No PS Vita price cut for North America

NEW YORK CITY--The PlayStation Vita will not get a price cut in North America anytime soon. Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida confirmed the news today during a roundtable session as part of the company's PlayStation 4 announcement.
The PS Vita recently received a price drop in Japan, but no such price reduction is coming to other markets, Yoshida said, noting exchange rates are one of the reasons.
Decisions about price drops are made on a region-by-region basis, he said.
In addition, Yoshida today confirmed that the PS4 will support 4K resolution output (for video recorded in the format), though games will not.

Layoffs at IGN

Less than a month after Ziff Davis parent company J2 Global purchasedIGN from News Corp., the company is seeing layoffs. A company spokesperson confirmed with Joystiq today that in addition to editorial layoffs at IGN, sites including 1UP, UGO, and Gamespy will be closed.
"We are focusing on our two flagship brands, IGN and AskMen," the company said. "Unfortunately, as a result, we have made the decision to close sites and restructure our teams accordingly."
Terms of J2 Global's acquisition of IGN this month were not specified, though a prior report suggested J2 Global scored a deal on the gaming unit, paying "considerably" less than the $650 million News Corp. purchased the company for in 2005.

PS4 hardware design not finalized

NEW YORK CITY--Notably absent from Sony's PlayStation 4 announcement last night was the hardware itself. During a roundtable discussion today, Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida apologized to gamers for not showing the device itself.
"I'm sorry we did not show the hardware," Yoshida said. "But we have plans from now--in February--through the year for the launch. We like to disclose things based on what we think we really want to communicate first. And next time we will talk about these things."
If Sony had shown off a PS4 unit last night, it would not have been representative of the final design. Yoshida was asked, "Is the final hardware finished?" To which he bluntly responded, "No, it's not."

Kenji Eno has died

Longtime game designer and musician Kenji Eno, known for his work on the D survival horror and Real Sound franchises, died Wednesday. Astatement released on the From Yellow to Orange website from CEO Katsutoshi Eguchi explains Eno died of heart failure. He was 42.
"It is with great sadness that I inform you that Mr. Kenji Eno passed away last night (February 20, 2013) of heart failure," Eguchi wrote.
"Mr. Eno was a musician and video game designer based in Japan. He is best known for his cult survival horror series, the D games and his audio game series, Real Sound."
Eno's latest work was the WiiWare game You, Me, and the Cubes.

Yoshida talks all things PlayStation 4

NEW YORK CITY--Today during a roundtable session with media, Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida fielded questions about a range of topics concerning the just-announced PlayStation 4 and the growing PlayStation ecosystem.
During the hour-long talk, Yoshida opened up on a range of topics, including why Sony decided not to show the PS4 hardware during its announcement last night, the rumors of the PS4 blocking used games, why 3D is no longer a focus for the company, and the status of The Last Guardian, among other things.
Check out Yoshida's comments on a host of topics below.
On possibility of PS4 blocking used games
When you purchase the disc-based games on PS4, it should work on any hardware. So that's what I'm saying.
On whether or not the PS Vita price cut in Japan will become effective worldwide
No, it's not. It's a region-by-region-based decision. Always.
On activation codes for secondhand PS4 titles
It's a publisher decision. We are not talking about it. Sorry.
On Sony's decision not to show PS4 hardware during the announcement
I'm sorry we did not show the hardware. But we have plans from now--in February--through the year for the launch. We like to disclose things based on what we think we really want to communicate first. And next time we will talk about these things.
On 3D support for PS4
No, it's not a focus, but it does [support 3D]. More games will run at 1080p and 60 frames per second, so it's an easier and better experience when you watch on 3D TV. We like what we can do on PS3 using 3D, but now the consumer electronics side [of Sony Corp.] has shifted focus from 3D TV to something else, so if they are not talking about it, why are we?
On 4K support for PS4
The official answer is the PS4 supports 4K output, but does for personal content like photos and videos, not games. PS4 games do not work on 4K.
On support for legacy platforms now that the PS4 has been announced
So we have Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls coming out this year; these are pretty big titles. And after that we haven't announced any new software for PS3.
On the possibility of bringing PS3 titles to PS4
It's an interesting concept. We've been upgrading PS2 games to PS3 with better resolution and better frame rate. And people love it. So I think at some point it makes sense and it's great for developers to be able to develop some things that they missed or couldn't get working properly on the older hardware because of the performance to be able to make it better for newer hardware. So we are open to look at that.
On Gaikai integration for PS4 launch titles
So we are saying virtually every PS4 game will be playable on PS Vita via Remote Play. I would be heartbroken if it doesn't day one. On day one, my expectation is that we have to have all games work on PS Vita.
On whether or not Sony would acquire Quantic Dream
We don't look at developers in the world who are making great games for some other publisher and say, 'We have to acquire them." We never do that. The way we acquire developers, when we do, is the natural evolution of the relationship that develops. When it makes sense, we sign a deal. In terms of Quantic, we worked with them on Heavy Rain, and we are working with them on Beyond: Two Souls, and they are showing something very interesting on PS4. So we are definitely developing that stronger relations and we love them as well.
On possibility of PlayStation App store
Personally, I would like to see that. Our PlayStation Mobile is really targeting to do that so smaller developers can really publish from the countries we support. But on the console side, for the PS3 and PS Vita, we still treat publishing like our disc-based model in terms of certification, approval, quality assurance. So we are discussing internally how we can make it a bit more open or a bit easier especially for smaller developers to publish. Because we totally believe in the importance of supporting these smaller developers because they provide really unique and interesting ideas to the platforms.
On what the PlayStation 4 Eye Camera is capable of
The PS4 Eye has two HD cameras, and these two cameras can be used in several different ways. One way is to use it for triangulation, so that space in front of the camera can be measured so that when you do this [motions with his hands] the game knows you are doing this. The other way is to make the augmented reality games like Wonderbook, using one camera for the video streaming, the other camera to…optimize for that task.
On whether or not the PS4 will be region-locked
I know the answer, but I don't want to be quoted and get a call from my PR guy saying, 'What did you say?'
On whether or not PSN will remain free for PS4
We totally believe that we want to provide more functionality and more services and more content on the network. And so we are looking at how we are going to structure that. And we are not ready to talk about that.
On possibility of backward compatibility for PS3 discs
No. You can quote me on that.
On whether or not the PS4 will make another appearance before E3
[Looks at PR rep] I hope not (laughs).
On whether or not The Last Guardian is still a PS3 game
I’m not ready to talk about it. Sorry. Because we've broken promises [before], we are waiting for the right time to reintroduce The Last Guardian.
On status of Rockstar's Agent and Square Enix's Final Fantasy Versus
You are asking the wrong person. I have some knowledge, but I'm not in a position to talk about it.

BioShock Infinite DLC, season pass detailed

2K Games has revealed that Irrational is already working on downloadable content for the upcoming title BioShock Infinite.
According to the publisher, Irrational will produce three add-on packs for the first-person shooter, which will provide hours of additional gameplay and include new stories, characters, abilities, and weapons.
2K also announced details concerning the BioShock Infinite Season Pass, which will be available at launch on March 26 and will cost $19.99 on the PlayStation Network and PC, and 1,600 Microsoft points on Xbox Live. It will include all three add-on packs and can be preordered throughwww.preordernow.com or at participating retailers.
According to 2K, those who purchase the BioShock Infinite Season Pass will also receive the Early Bird Special Pack, which contains exclusive gear, including a machine gun damage upgrade, a pistol damage upgrade, a gold skin for both weapons, and five infusion bottles that let players increase their health, shield durability, or ability to use vigors.
Those who preorder BioShock Infinite will also receive the Industrial Revolution Pack, which grants exclusive access to three in-game gear items that boost combat abilities, $500 bonus in-game currency, five lock picks, and the Industrial Revolution puzzle game, which unlocks stories of Columbia and allows players to pledge their allegiance to the Vox Populi or Founders through Facebook.
BioShock Infinite was announced in August 2010 and will ship on March 26, following several delays.
Analysts have suggested that the game would be a significant financial boon for publisher 2K, saying the game could ship 4.9 million copies.
For more on BioShock Infinite, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

EA confirms layoffs in LA, Montreal

Electronic Arts today confirmed it had enacted a round of layoffs at its Los Angeles and Montreal offices, a well as "some smaller locations." In a blog post titled "Transition Is Our Friend," EA Labels president Frank Gibeau explained that the cuts are a result of the ongoing console transition.
"EA's leadership on these high-growth platforms allows us to retain and attract the industry's best talent. Thousands of our existing employees have been retrained and redeployed to work on the new platforms and initiatives. But when it is not possible to redeploy a team, we soften the tough decisions with assistance," Gibeau said. "This week we let some people go in Los Angeles, Montreal as well as in some smaller locations. These are good people and we have offered outplacement services and severance packages to ease their transition to a new job."
EA's Los Angeles campus is home to BioWare Victory and Danger Close Games, the latter of which developed Medal of Honor: Warfighter. As for Montreal, EA has teams in the region working on Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel (Visceral Montreal) and mobile games (EA Montreal). It is not clear which teams were impacted or if development on any projects has been impacted as a result of the layoffs.
Gibeau described console transitions as "complex" and "challenging," but said he's not worried about EA's prospects. "We have never been more ready or more excited about what comes next," he said.
Last night, Sony officially announced the PlayStation 4 after years of speculation. The console is due to retailers this holiday, and it may not be the only next-generation platform available later this year. Microsoft is reportedly set to announce the Xbox 720 during an Apple-style media briefing in March, with the system hitting retail later in the year.

No DualShock 3 support for PS4

DualShock 3 controllers will not work with the PlayStation 4, though current-generation PlayStation Move controllers will. Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida confirmed the news this week during a roundtable session in New York City attended by GameSpot.
"No, [the PS4] doesn't support DualShock 3," Yoshida said. "But it does support PS Move."
During the PS4 announcement presentation this week, Sony-owned developer Media Molecule showed off atechnology demo where players used a PS Move controller to sculpt 3D objects.
As for the PS4's new DualShock 4 controller, it includes a front-facing touchpad, a new Share button, a built-in speaker, and upgraded rumble functionality, among other additions.
Yoshida's discussion touched on numerous other topics, including The Last Guardian, why Sony did not show off the PS4 hardware itself, and used games. For more, check out GameSpot's recap of the executive's roundtable session.